Eragon for the Game Boy Advance is a traditional turn based RPG with a combat system that emphasizes motion and action. The player assumes the role of Eragon, a young boy with a mysterious origin and an important future, on his perilous journey to avenge…
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Eragon for the Game Boy Advance is a traditional turn based RPG with a combat system that emphasizes motion and action. The player assumes the role of Eragon, a young boy with a mysterious origin and an important future, on his perilous journey to avenge his father, rescue the woman of his dreams and join forces with the Varden in their war against King Galbatorix. On this adventure Eragon encounters many allies, including vicious Murtagh who has a destiny and a past inexplicably linked to his own.
* Nine playable characters.
* RPG leveling system with fully customizable focus skills, weapon forging and potion crafting.
* Storyline goes beyond the events of the movie to explore additional events and locations from the book.
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